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Building a Gender Inclusive Community Educational Series


VYFS and Dove Project are partnering with Gender Spectrum to bring you Building a Gender Inclusive Community educational series. Together we can all work towards creating a gender inclusive environment for teens and youth on Vashon. Gender Spectrum has trained thousands of schools, school districts, medical clinics, and other organizations and groups across the United States, building the capacity of tens of thousands of teachers, administrators, doctors, psychologists, counselors, and other leaders to create gender-inclusive environments for the young people they work with.

The upcoming training on September 13th is Making the Case for Gender Affirming Communities. Making the Case for Gender Affirming Communities will guide participants through the importance of community-driven gender inclusion and how to make that happen. If you are interested in attending, please fill out the form linked below.

In this form you can sign up for any or all of the "live" virtual sessions coming up:

Series Trainings:

9/13 2- 4pm Making the Case for Gender Affirming Communities, AUDIENCE: leadership, administrators of organizations and businesses

10/11 2-4pm Characteristics of Gender Inclusive Institutions, AUDIENCE: anyone and everyone in organizations and agencies or businesses 10/25 2-4pm Gender Affirming Counseling Practices, AUDIENCE: counselors 11/18 830-10am Creating Gender Inclusive Schools, AUDIENCE: educators, administrators, leadership in schools 12/13 2-4pm Gender Inclusive Puberty and Reproductive Health, AUDIENCE: Teachers, anyone teaching youth about reproductive health

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