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Self-Care for Seniors

Mondays after lunch, 1pm

July 1, 8, 15, 22  and  Aug 12, 19 26

Vashon Senior Center

No registration required, come to any or all! Free 7 week series, all are welcome.

*What is Self Care Anyway? 

We’ll have discussion around what we are doing for Self Care, and examine what self care practices might  we want to add into our lives. What keeps us from practicing self care? What do we need in order to maintain a habit of self care?


Let’s explore how good digestion plays a role in positive self care and overall health and wellness. What is our relationship with food? It’s not just what we eat but how we eat… What would we love to shift with regard to our relationship with food? How can food be our medicine? 

*Sleep & Rest

 What is our relationship to sleep? How do our sleep habits affect our overall sense of wellbeing and health? How can we improve our sleep? What are the ways we rest? How can we experience rest throughout the day in order to recharge and reset any overactive nervous system condition? 

*Creative Energy

How do we manifest our own creative energy? How do we conserve our energy? What are some ways we’d like to explore a deepening of the way our creative energy works to fortify our self care?

*Stress Management & Nervous System Regulation

What are the ways we currently manage stress? How does stress impact our ability to truly care for ourselves the way we’d like? Let’s explore some tools and techniques for managing our stress as it arises, and learn some practices to regulate our nervous system. 

*Breath & Movement Practices to Enhance Self Care

No experience necessary! We are going to play with various simple and accessible movements and breathing techniques to relax our bodies and minds, and enhance our overall self care. 

*Aligning with Nature

As we close out this Self Care series for Seniors, let’s look at our relationship with the great Nurturer herself, our Earth. What are the ways we align with Nature? How does being in touch with the earth help us feel grounded and connected to our bodies? 

About the Facilitator:  Nyn Grey is a Community Engagement Advocate at DOVE. She has been with the agency since 2015 and also works as the program coordinator for the Holistic Wellness and Community Access to Therapy Voucher Programs. Much of Nyn’s island engagement work in the Vashon community centers around promoting self care, healing, personal well being, embodiment-positivity and healthy relationship skill building and support. In addition, Nyn Grey is a certified yoga instructor and Ayurvedic Health Coach.

Feel free to use that same image from the Healthy Relationships chats flier

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